Web pages of COCHELIMP. New or Updated


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This page contains news related to the logistics sector, all major news about world of moving, regulatory news, articles and comments related to the new sections of highways, higher risks parts of highways.


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This page contains information on new products, our services or new transport routes of removals and merchandise.


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This page contains updates and/or relevant changes to existing pages on Cochelimp.com.



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Orientative prices for the services

The rates for the regional, province, municipal, local services for transportation, personal driver with vehicle …

8 day to-do list before moving

For each week we recommend the steps to follow in order to carry out the moving effectively and without …

Rules, tips and useful recommendations

If you are going to pack your goods personally, get appropriate packing materials and in sufficient amounts …

FAQ. Frequently asked consultations and questions

Based on past several years experiences, we have included (judged by frequency) 16 more frequently asked questions …

Compare the prices with Google technology

To start the search, it is also recommendable to write “Obtain different prices for the transportation” or “Transportation rates market”, etc.

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Our activity consists in simplifying your life. Our purpose is to offer a personalised service to each of our clients: you will receive an excellent previous assistance and be perfectly informed at all times receiving a good transportation service.


Only thanks to our customers, who take their time to convey their opinion, we are on the way of constant improving and detecting new possible needs and demands.


In order to foster the communication, we introduce this post to use it as a suggestion, question and/or answer box so that you can suggest efficiency improvements, functionalities, characteristics, clarify doubts, etc. you would like to find on this website.


Remember also that you can contact us through email info@cochelimp.com or calling us directly.

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